asked questions
- What is the date of the fair?
- The fair will take place from FEBRUARY 4 TO 7, 2025
- What are the opening hours of the fair?
- Opening hours: from Tuesday to Thursday, from 10 AM to 7 PM; and Friday from 10 AM to 5 PM. (Credentialing on Friday until 12 PM)
- Where is the event held?
- São Paulo Expo
Centro de Exposições São Paulo
Expo Rodovia dos Imigrantes, km 1.5
São Paulo - SP
Main distances
- 3 km from Congonhas Airport
- 850 m from Jabaquara Subway Station and Bus Terminal
- 1.200 m from Av. dos Bandeirantes
- 7 km from Av. Paulista
- 10 km from the City Center
- 25 km from Cumbica Airport
- Near the ABCD region
- Truck entry should be made via:
- Av. Miguel Stefano, No. 3.000
- In front of the Botanical Garden
- Information by phone: (11) 5067-1717
- Is there an entrance fee?
No. Admission is free.
- Can anyone visit Abimad?
No. Abimad is not open to the general public. The fair is exclusively for furniture and décor store owners, architects, decorators, and designers, who must prove their status with documentation.
- What documents should I present?
Store owners should present a business card with all company details (business name, address, email) and the store’s CNPJ card. Architects must present their CAU professional license. Decorators and designers should present their membership card from a professional association or group.
- Can I register in advance?
Yes. Online registration is available at the link https://mbxeventos.com/AOL6ABIMAD/Home (subject to approval).
- Can I register at the event venue?
Yes. On-site registration will be available at the event reception and can be done by presenting a document that proves your status as a furniture or décor store owner, architect, decorator, or designer.
- Does ABIMAD send credentials by mail?
No. Credentials can only be collected at the event reception.
- How is VIP guest registration handled?
VIP guests do not need to register online. They are automatically registered after their benefits are issued and should collect their credentials directly from the travel agency reception or the VIP room at the fair.
- I had my credential approved to participate in one of ABIMAD's fairs.
Can I use the same credential to attend other fairs organized by the Association? No. The credential is exclusively for the fair for which your entry was approved. If you wish to participate in another ABIMAD fair, you will need to make a new registration request and await approval.
- Can minors enter the fair?
No. Entry for minors under 16 years old is strictly prohibited, except for infants up to 2 years old.
- I am a commercial representative, but I don't work for any exhibitor. Can I visit the fair?
No. Only representatives who work for exhibitors are accredited.
- I am a student, can I visit the fair?
No. Students do not have access to the event. We do not issue any documents related to complementary activities.
- I supply raw materials for the furniture industry, can I visit the fair?
No. Suppliers do not have access to the event.
- I am a furniture and décor manufacturer, but I am not a member. Can I visit the fair?
No. Manufacturers do not have access to the event.
- I am a service provider in the furniture and décor field, can I visit the fair?
No. Service providers do not have access to the event.
- I am a journalist, can I visit the fair?
Yes, press entry is allowed.
- Is there a cloakroom service at the event? What is the cost?
Yes, the service is free of charge.
- Will there be transfer service available? Where?
No. There will be no transfer service at this edition of the fair.
- Can I get discounts at any hotels?
For information on accredited hotels, please contact the event's official agency.
- Is there parking available at the event venue?
Yes, São Paulo Expo has a parking lot with up to 4,500 covered spots, the largest covered parking area in Brazil, with direct access to the pavilion via a pedestrian bridge.
Gate 1 – Visitor entrance. Through a system of turnstiles, visitors have access to the parking building, with the comfort of 10 elevators and a pedestrian bridge.
Payment Methods: Cash or credit/debit cards. Main access (Rodovia dos Imigrantes, km 1.5).
- Is there a parking agreement?
No, the parking fee will be paid by each visitor.
- What is a VIP guest?
A VIP guest is someone recommended by the exhibitor to receive airfare, accommodation, and lunch during the 2 days of the event.
- How can I exhibit at the fair?
The events promoted by Abimad are exclusively for companies that are members of the association. For more information, please contact: abimad@abimad.com.br - (11) 5505-1214.